Saturday 2 July 2011

Water Aerobics For Pregnant Women


Keeping up your fitness plan while pregnant is essential for your well being. Because of the support water provides to your body, swimming or water aerobics are the best solution for pregnant women.

During pregnancy your body goes through a metamorphosis which creates unbalanced body posture and, as a consequence, muscles pain. Your back especially, needs to provide extra support because of your prominent belly and extra weight you carry around. Supporting the changes happening to your body with some light training gives the extra strength the muscles on your back need, relieving you from the frustrating pain.

Aqua aerobics exercises train your back muscles without making you feel the weight of your body, giving you the benefits of training without risk of injuries. It has been proved that exercising during pregnancy and, in particular the soft training provided by aqua aerobics, not only helps you to feel better, stronger and happier but reduces the pain and the use of pain killer methods during labor and delivery. Women with an overall better physical condition and fitness level reach the due date for the delivery with more energy and resources that they will be able to put forward during the intense hours of labor and delivery. Therefore having less need of medical help.

The change of mood due to the changing hormonal balance in your body during pregnancy and the need of more energy for the growth of the fetus, make many women turn to food, maybe more often then they should or really need. The extra pounds you put up can effectively be controlled by exercising and we have already seen how aqua aerobics helps to burn calories effectively.

Because of the new condition a mother to be finds herself during pregnancy, social support is crucial. No one other than pregnant women can understand and share your feelings. Taking part to a water aerobics class for pregnant women in you community will provide the possibility to meet and share sensations with people in your same situation. Join water aerobics class in you local pool and start enjoying the benefits.

Keep healthy, keep swimming.

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