Thursday, 30 June 2011

Vocalizing in Labor and Birth



Tuesday, 28 June 2011

Positions for Labor and Childbirth



The positions that you choose for labor and birth are important. They will help you be more comfortable during the labor process. Some positions will also help speed the process of labor. Many of these positions can be done with or without the help of your partner, husband, doula or nurse. Practicing them prior to labor will also make them seem familiar and more comfortable and natural.

Walking in labor is a great way to help not only speed labor but make you more comfortable. It is also a great way to spend early labor. Some women will choose to walk through their neighborhoods, or even the mall on colder days. No matter where you choose to walk, even if it's simply the halls of the hospital, walking can help your pelvis move about more freely and help gravity assist your baby in moving down into your pelvis.

During the later stages of labor, you may not feel like walking during contractions. That is perfectly okay. Simply stop and assume a different position or use a standing position for the contractions. You can begin walking again as soon as you are able to do so.

Sitting in a Chair:

Sitting in a chair can be a nice position for labor. It allows you to be fully upright and allows gravity to assist you in laboring. It also can help promote relaxation, by allowing you to rest.

You can use any type of chair, from a kitchen chair, to a rocking chair. Many hospitals and birth centers have chairs available for you to use in each labor and birth room.

Sitting in a Chair Backwards:

The benefits of sitting in a chair are also available if you sit backwards. The added benefit is that you can lean forward. This can help take some pressure off of your back. It also makes your back available for your husband, doula or nurse to rub or massage. This is particularly helpful if you are experiencing back labor or if your baby is occiput posterior (OP) or face up.

Tailor Sit:

Tailor sitting is a relaxing variation of sitting. It can be done in bed or on the floor, depending on where you are most comfortable. Again, this is an upright position for labor and allows gravity to help. It is also very relaxing and provides a nice stretch of the inner thigh and back.


Semi-sitting is usually used in a bed. It can be used in conjunction with epidural anesthesia or other medications, such as IV medications. This position does not have all the benefits of upright positioning and should not be used for long periods of time. However, it is better than lying flat on your back. It can be used to promote relaxation or in early labor before the contractions require much of your attention.

Side Lying:

The side lying position is a gravity neutral position, meaning that there are no benefits of gravity in this position. This is a great position for slowing down your labor or birth. It can also be used for taking pressure off of the perineum during birth.

Many hospitals will use this position in conjunction with epidural anesthesia or other medications. It can also be used to alter positions from semi-sitting. It may be used for laboring women with blood pressure issues or if your baby is showing signs of fetal distress.


Squatting is a great way to increase the diameter of your pelvic outlet. This position should not be used until your baby is engaged in your pelvis. Once engaged this is a great position to help encourage descent of your baby further into your pelvis. It is also a great position in which to give birth.

The squatting position helps protect your perineum making it less likely that you would tear or require the use of an episiotomy during your birth. It is joking called the midwifes' forceps because of its ability to speed the pushing phase of labor.

Hands and Knees:

Hands and knees is also a gravity neutral position. It is a great position to help get a break from the intensity of contractions. It also works well for turning a posterior baby.

If your baby is posterior or you are experiencing back labor, this position can be comforting. It allows your doula or husband to massage your back or apply counter pressure to help you be more comfortable. You can also use this position to give birth.

The Labor Progress Handbook. Simkin, P and Ancheta, R. Wiley-Blackwell; 2 edition.

Monday, 27 June 2011

Healthy Delivery Through Water Birth

Water birth is a process of giving birth to a baby in a tub or pool of warm water. It is considered to be a safe and healthy way of giving birth to a child. Child water birth method was first opted in United States through couples giving birth at homes, but later was accepted by the medical environment. It is believed that because baby has been in the amniotic sac for 9 months and therefore, birthing in the same environment will not only be healthy for the baby but also less stressful for the mother.

Water is always soothing, relaxing and comforting. There are many women who prefer to labor in water and move out of water for delivery. At the same time, there are women who choose to be in water for delivery too. There are many benefits of water birth which includes:
  • The body weight of the women lessens which allows free movement and positioning.

  • Warm water immersion lowers the high blood pressure. 

  • Warm water makes the perineum elastic and relaxed. This reduces the chances of tearing and the need of episiotomy and stitches.

  • In water the pregnant women relaxes both mentally and physically. This enables her to concentrate on the birth procedure.

  • With buoyancy the mother experiences better blood circulation and efficient uterine contractions. This improves the oxygenation of uterine muscles. As a result, mother experiences less pain and the baby gets more oxygen.

    Although there are no risks involved with water birth. Yet there are small chances of risk if the baby is raised to the surface and then re-immersed. But the midwives takes care that once the baby is born, he is directly placed on the woman’s breast for feeding and not re-immersed in the water.

    There are conditions when this method of natural child birth is not possible which include: 

  • Multiple Births: It is not considered suitable for multiple births. Although there are successful cases of twins yet it is recommended to take advice of your doctor before doing it. Usually doctors recommend for caesarean birth for multiple pregnancies.

  • In case any maternal infection is found.

  • If a premature baby is expected then pregnancy birth in water is not recommended.

  • If after diagnosis, excessive bleeding is expected doctors do not recommend this procedure.

  • If there is severe meconium found floating to the surface in tub. Meconium washes off the face of the baby and can also come out of the baby’s nose and mouth while the baby is still under water. If the water is stained and the birth is about to happen then the women can lift her pelvis out of water to give birth to the baby.

    To conclude, labor in water is effective but it is important to seek advice with your health care provider whether water birth is suitable for you or not.

  • Sunday, 26 June 2011

    Nutritional Diet and Prenatal Vitamins

    Congratulations! In nine months you're going to be a mother, BUT it will never be an easy task. Your body will physically experience changes, your moods will swing, your senses will be sharp, and you'll crave for a lot of things -- and food.

    As an expecting mother, what you EAT matters to your unborn baby as he or she is dependent on you for nourishment. In pregnancy check-ups, your doctor might tell you this mantra: you are what you eat, and what your baby eats. Clinical studies show that what you eat has a connection to your baby's health and growth, which is why during pregnancy, it is essential that you make "healthy food choices" and "healthy habits". Healthy habits like exercising, "quitting on smoking and alcohol,” and taking up pregnancy vitamins are as essential as eating nutritional diet.

    In the beginning of your pregnancy, you will experience adjustments significantly about food. And since you are eating for two, you will be eating twice the serving of your usual food intake, or in a more-frequent-basis.

    Pregnancy Nutrition
    Eating the right means knowing what foods to eat and what to avoid. Ideally, as an expecting mother you need 300 extra calories a day in addition to your recommended daily calorie intakes or allowances.

    When you strictly follow a healthy pregnancy nutrition diet, as recommended by your doctor, it can counteract the baby's risks low birth weight, susceptibility to infections and birth defects. On your side, following the recommended diet can provide positive effects against fatigue, morning sickness, constipation, leg cramps and later on an easy child birth and post-partum depression.

    For pregnant mothers, the USDA approved Food Guide Pyramid and Dietary Reference Intakes should strive to consume the following servings: 6-11 servings of bread, cereal, rice and pasta; 3-5 servings of vegetables; 2-4 servings of fruits; 3-5 servings of milk, yoghurt and cheese; 2-3 servings of meat, poultry, fish, dry beans, eggs and nuts; 8 8-ounce glasses of water; You should also limit caffeine containing beverages to no more than 2 cups per day.

    Nevertheless, try to consume -- in moderation -- foods groups rich in protein, carbohydrates, fats and Protein and Amino Acids is the building material for muscles, teeth and bones; and instrumental in normal growth patterns (build and repair cells) and immune system antibodies. Minerals, like Calcium and Zinc, are critical to maintaining healthy bones and promote healing and easy delivery, and like Iron, which supports blood circulation.

    Foods to AVOID are those that has risky levels of mercury like swordfish, shark meats, mackerels, and others that might put you and your baby at risk of bacteria-related problems like raw

    Pregnancy Vitamins
    Prenatal supplements provide extra nutrients and boosts for expecting mothers. Pregnancy vitamins like Folate/ Folic Acid can minimize risks of hemorrhoids and constipation, or alleviate nausea or vomiting due to morning sickness.

    There are literally dozens of prenatal supplement brands available. Don't buy impulsively. Ask your doctor. Every woman has different needs. For example, an expecting woman has anemic tendencies; her doctor might prescribe her to take iron supplements.

    To give you an idea, these are the ideal vitamins and minerals supplements you need while expecting: Vitamin A: 4,000 to 5,000 International Units (IU); Folic Acid (Folate): 600-1000 micrograms (mcg); Vitamin D: 200-400 IU; Calcium: 200-300 milligrams (mg); Vitamin C: 85 mg; Thiamin: 1.4 mg; Riboflavin: 1.4 mg; Vitamin B-6 (Pyridoxine): 1.9 mg; Vitamin B-3 (Niacin): 18 mg; Vitamin B-12: 2.6 mcg; Vitamin E: 15 mg; Zinc: 11 mg; Iron: 27-60 mg.

    Pregnancy Reminders
    Follow your doctor's instruction throughout pregnancy. Take your pregnancy vitamins each day or as required by your doctor. Should you have concerns about your pregnancy, ask and discuss with your doctor.

    Natural Ways To Self Induce Labor

    Self induce labor means to follow the natural techniques to start labor. But it should not be attempted without having complete knowledge. You should learn about the different stages before attempting self induce labor pain. Usually it is not recommended until the pregnancy has reached 40 weeks.

    Home Remedies

    There are many natural home remedies for it. Pineapple is said to have inducing labor properties. It helps in the digestion of proteins in your food. If taken on empty stomach, it works like a medicine and helps in reducing swelling and pain. Besides pineapple, mango and papaya also have similar properties which make them useful for self inducing labor. But always use fresh pineapples and not canned pineapples because fresh ones have Bromelain which helps in bringing natural labor.

    Alternatively, you can also choose using prostaglandin that helps to ripen your cervix. Prostaglandin can be found in evening primrose oil. So whenever you are prepared for pain, use it directly on cervix or take orally. It is recommended to take 3-4 primrose capsules a day.


    Acupressure is another technique for self inducing labor. There are two points – One above the inner ankle on your calf of about four finger width, and the other in the webbing between the thumb and forefinger. Rub your calf or pinch the webbing on your hand in circular motion for 40 to 60 seconds at a time. Then after taking break of 1-2 minutes do it again.

    Stripping Membrane

    Doctors or midwife can help in self inducing labor by stripping or sweeping membrane. For this they insert their finger into your cervix and sweep from side by side, pulling the bag of water (membrane) away from the mouth of the cervix and lower uterus. The healthcare professional might take 3 to 4 attempts to induce pain. This procedure can be uncomfortable for women but not painful.

    Nipple Stimulation

    Nipple stimulation often causes release of oxytocin. It is the same hormone that causes uterine contractions. Nipple stimulation is recommended by midwives in case the pregnancy goes beyond the due date. For this you need to stimulate nipples for at least 15 minutes continuously on each nipple each hour. Before trying this, consult your doctor.

    All these methods can be tried for self induce pain. But there can be some serious consequences if proper advice is not taken by the doctor or midwives. You might sometimes experience false pain and think of inducing labor which might prove to be harmful to your and baby’s health. If your midwife advices then surely you can try methods like castor oil, some herbs and homeopathy, sexual intercourse, orgasm with or without partner, nipple stimulation and many more as stated before, for self inducing labor.

    Saturday, 25 June 2011

    Useful Birth Control Tips And Methods


    Birth controls are very effective methods to prevent unplanned and unwanted pregnancies. There are two types of birth control methods, artificial birth control which includes the use of birth control pills, condoms, diaphragms, cervical caps etc and natural birth control which refers to abstaining from sexual intercourse during the fertile period of the female or not letting the sperms enter the female body.

    All these methods interrupt the sperm from meeting the egg or prevent conception. However not all contraceptives are 100% effective. Use of two different birth control methods at a time is a very safe process of avoiding unwanted pregnancy.

    There are various tips and methods of birth control. Let us look at some very popular and effective

    • The safest way to prevent conception is to avoid sexual intercourse during the period of ovulation. This period defines the maximum fertility in the female and chance of conception is the highest during this period. The time of ovulation can be gauged through various indicators like the basal body temperature, the cervical mucous, the menstrual cycle etc. withdrawing the male organ before ejaculating is also one of the very effective methods. But you must make sure that the sperms do not touch the vagina of the female.
    • There are various barrier methods and spermicides like condoms, diaphragms, spermicidal jelly etc that prevent the sperms to enter the vagina or kill the sperms from passing through the cervix.
    • The use of birth control pills is also a popular method. There are oral contraceptive pills that prevent the female from ovulating. The morning-after pill is an emergency contraceptive pill that is taken after an unprotected sex.
    • A Depo-Vera shot is a long acting hormonal medication that prevents conception.
    • The intrauterine device is a plastic implement that is placed into the uterus. This device creates a toxic environment for the sperms in the uterus and the cervix thus preventing the sperms from reaching the egg.
    • Vasectomy is the procedure of tying the tubes of the men for a brief period of time. This process prevents the sperms from entering the semen.


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