Monday 27 June 2011

Healthy Delivery Through Water Birth

Water birth is a process of giving birth to a baby in a tub or pool of warm water. It is considered to be a safe and healthy way of giving birth to a child. Child water birth method was first opted in United States through couples giving birth at homes, but later was accepted by the medical environment. It is believed that because baby has been in the amniotic sac for 9 months and therefore, birthing in the same environment will not only be healthy for the baby but also less stressful for the mother.

Water is always soothing, relaxing and comforting. There are many women who prefer to labor in water and move out of water for delivery. At the same time, there are women who choose to be in water for delivery too. There are many benefits of water birth which includes:
  • The body weight of the women lessens which allows free movement and positioning.

  • Warm water immersion lowers the high blood pressure. 

  • Warm water makes the perineum elastic and relaxed. This reduces the chances of tearing and the need of episiotomy and stitches.

  • In water the pregnant women relaxes both mentally and physically. This enables her to concentrate on the birth procedure.

  • With buoyancy the mother experiences better blood circulation and efficient uterine contractions. This improves the oxygenation of uterine muscles. As a result, mother experiences less pain and the baby gets more oxygen.

    Although there are no risks involved with water birth. Yet there are small chances of risk if the baby is raised to the surface and then re-immersed. But the midwives takes care that once the baby is born, he is directly placed on the woman’s breast for feeding and not re-immersed in the water.

    There are conditions when this method of natural child birth is not possible which include: 

  • Multiple Births: It is not considered suitable for multiple births. Although there are successful cases of twins yet it is recommended to take advice of your doctor before doing it. Usually doctors recommend for caesarean birth for multiple pregnancies.

  • In case any maternal infection is found.

  • If a premature baby is expected then pregnancy birth in water is not recommended.

  • If after diagnosis, excessive bleeding is expected doctors do not recommend this procedure.

  • If there is severe meconium found floating to the surface in tub. Meconium washes off the face of the baby and can also come out of the baby’s nose and mouth while the baby is still under water. If the water is stained and the birth is about to happen then the women can lift her pelvis out of water to give birth to the baby.

    To conclude, labor in water is effective but it is important to seek advice with your health care provider whether water birth is suitable for you or not.

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