Saturday 25 June 2011

Useful Birth Control Tips And Methods


Birth controls are very effective methods to prevent unplanned and unwanted pregnancies. There are two types of birth control methods, artificial birth control which includes the use of birth control pills, condoms, diaphragms, cervical caps etc and natural birth control which refers to abstaining from sexual intercourse during the fertile period of the female or not letting the sperms enter the female body.

All these methods interrupt the sperm from meeting the egg or prevent conception. However not all contraceptives are 100% effective. Use of two different birth control methods at a time is a very safe process of avoiding unwanted pregnancy.

There are various tips and methods of birth control. Let us look at some very popular and effective

  • The safest way to prevent conception is to avoid sexual intercourse during the period of ovulation. This period defines the maximum fertility in the female and chance of conception is the highest during this period. The time of ovulation can be gauged through various indicators like the basal body temperature, the cervical mucous, the menstrual cycle etc. withdrawing the male organ before ejaculating is also one of the very effective methods. But you must make sure that the sperms do not touch the vagina of the female.
  • There are various barrier methods and spermicides like condoms, diaphragms, spermicidal jelly etc that prevent the sperms to enter the vagina or kill the sperms from passing through the cervix.
  • The use of birth control pills is also a popular method. There are oral contraceptive pills that prevent the female from ovulating. The morning-after pill is an emergency contraceptive pill that is taken after an unprotected sex.
  • A Depo-Vera shot is a long acting hormonal medication that prevents conception.
  • The intrauterine device is a plastic implement that is placed into the uterus. This device creates a toxic environment for the sperms in the uterus and the cervix thus preventing the sperms from reaching the egg.
  • Vasectomy is the procedure of tying the tubes of the men for a brief period of time. This process prevents the sperms from entering the semen.

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